
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fairbanks, Alaska Stake Conference: Adult Session

14th April 2012

President Hull-
     For our stake to grow, we as individuals need to grow. If half our stake grows but the other half does not then our stake does not grow.
     We must remember not to do things that we would not allow our children and grandchildren to do. Children imitate the examples that we as older siblings, parents, grandparents, etc. put forth for them. Are we saying or doing things that would motivate our children to be baptized? To partake of the Sacrament? The Sacrament should be the arms that we are running to for safety. Remember that when we are partaking of the sacrament, we are being re-baptized.
     Baptism and the Sacrament ordinances can only be performed by worthy priesthood holders. As women are we respecting our priesthood leaders? Are we setting a good example for them?
     Temple attendance for members is vital; to teach our children the importance of the temple we need to be attending it ourselves. Lead by example so that the next generation realizes the importance of what the temple does and represents. It is our responsibility as parents (or future parents) to teach our future posterity. They will be the ones that continue the work when we are gone, so we must prepare the rising generation.

Sister Angie Serney (3rd Ward)-
     We cannot find out if or what religion is true; we need the Lord's help. He is the one that will answer all of our questions.
     We can find comfort and healing through our Heavenly Father.
     Testimonies have the power to wipe away all doubts and fears.
     Never give up; we must keep doing what we know to be right. Remember to "be an example of the believers.

Brother Serney (3rd Ward)-
     Only Heavenly Father knows when the timing for anything is right for us.
     We aren't here to boast about numbers, but rather to increase our numbers of members.

Bishop Patterson (Eielson Ward)-
     In a congregation, there are individuals that are going through their own struggles. We should not be just going though the motions of obeying the commandments, we need to honestly honor them.
     One of the questions that we must ask ourselves when Satan is putting roadblocks up in front of us is "Are they worth it?" Is it worth breaking Heavenly Father's commandments; having to go through the repentance process? We must keep all this in mind when Satan is working his hardest on us.
     We must cleanse ourselves of all sins, even our "favorite" ones. If we repeat sins we are not learning from the repentance process. A bishop once told me that after you have repented for a sin if you repeat that sin the spiritual consequences will increase tenfold. The repentance process will be that much harder (Bishop Zalanka, Provo Utah)
     Ordinances and covenants cannot exist without the other; they work hand in hand. You cannot decide to keep part of a covenant, it is all or nothing. The next saving ordinance for each of us is personal, it could be baptism, performing a baptism, partaking or blessing the sacrament, etc.
     Covenants are made and kept by individuals. We can help each other to remember the covenants that we have made, but we must remember that not covenant is made or kept as a group.

President Duval-
     The world has devalued the institution of marriage or family. Men should not feel a superiority because they have the priesthood. Temple marriages need to be modeled in the home, we must become an example to our children so that they realize the importance of a temple marriage.
          The Family: A Proclamation to the World
          We need to put the 'fun' back in dysfunctional. Remember that no family is perfect, but we need to learn to cope with what we have.
          Before you marry someone, you should make a list of everything that bothers you about your future spouse. If any of these items are deal breakers then you need to run for the hills, however if you decide that you can 'handle' these quirks then throw away the list and never bring them up again. Then make a second list of everything that you love about that person; keep this list and continually add things to it. Whenever times are hard pull out this list to show you all the wonderful qualities about your spouse. You choose to love, always remember that love is a choice.
     We must represent the gospel always; we need to be the same at work as we would at church; speak to your children the same at home as you would at a church activity.
     When people are baptized, do not let it be into a dead ward. One person is the face for the whole ward; when a new member begins to go to church, the very first person they meet will set the tone for the ward, we must ensure that all impressions, but especially the first impressions are of kind people, not snotty, rude, and stuck up individuals. We need to make sure that everyone in our wards are feeling welcome.
     Ordinances are the same yesterday, today, forever. You cannot be placed under a covenant if you have not heard the ordinance. At the Fairbanks Singles branch, the Young Men are not allowed to pass the sacrament to the individuals sitting out in the hall because they do not hear the prayer that is being said over the bread and the water. When I was unable to partake of the sacrament it broke my heart; I realized the importance of the sacrament and what it really meant to me. I have made a promise to myself that I will never allow myself to not be able to partake of the sacrament again. The feelings of not being worthy were unbearable and excruciating.
     Do not ever judge period, but especially do not judge people on how they are doing based on how they are living the gospel. We have been commanded to 'love thy neighbor as thyself' no matter what; turn the other cheek at all times. If you see someone is struggling do not criticize them, that will only make it worse, but rather love them unconditionally.
     Families can and will be together for all eternity.

Elder Johnson (1st Quorum of the Seventy)-
     It makes a difference if we can accept and sustain our Stake Presidents, Bishops, Prophets, Apostles, etc. and what they say.
     We have to remember that we do not know what kind of impact we will have on others. People are watching you at all times even if you do not realize it. I had a friend in high school that was an inactive member of the church. He began to party, smoke pot, drink, and other bad things. We were friends all throughout my senior year, even though I did not like the decisions that he was making. We never really discussed the church much, but whenever negative comments would come out of his mouth or anyone else's I would do my best to correct or state that I didn't like what was being said, but not always. A little less than a year after graduation he and I were talking and out of the blue he told me that he was returning to church again because of the examples of the LDS kids in our senior class. It made me so happy to know that people really are being watched even when they do not know it.  
     With our families we can have love at home, but we must remember that no family is perfect. The test is, how we will react when things do not go as we have planned them. Do we roll with the punches, or do we pitch a fit because it didn't go our way?
     No matter how hard we try, we cannot generate faith; we receive faith from our Heavenly Father. We must find out the will of the Lord, and put all of our strength and faith towards helping Him to achieve this.
     How many times does Heavenly Father laugh at our shortcomings? I'm sure he gets lots and lots of kicks and giggles from my life. We may think that we know what is best for us, but what we have to remember is that Heavenly Father can see the big picture and that He knows everything that is going to happen in the future, trust that He will not lead you astray.We must trust that He has wonderful things in-store for us, especially if we make covenants; the Lord DOES NOT break His covenants. Even with eternal families; if one person is not making right decisions that does not break the covenant for everyone else. If your eternal companion is not keeping their covenant remember that Heavenly Father will take that into account and for being patient and working through this you will be rewarded with another person in the next life. You will not be left alone if you are living and keeping your covenants.
     Remember that the Atonement is infinite! Christ lives; His promises have and will continue to be fulfilled.

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