
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Doctrine and Covenants

Doctrine and Covenants

"The Book of Mormon is the 'keystone' of our religion, and the Doctrine and Covenants is the capstone, with continuing latter-day revelation. The Lore has placed his stamp of approval on both the keystone and capstone (President Ezra Taft Benson)." The capstone on the Salt Lake City temple, is the upper portion of the ball on which Moroni stands; the Doctrine and Covenants is considered the final piece of the LDS religion. It gives us details on the organization and administration of His church that we do not find in any other scriptures. The Doctrine and Covenants is for our time; the language is more modern and easier for us to understand, you see the questions that are being asked by earlier members and then how God answers them. Many converts to the church have said that they find The Doctrine and Covenants easier to understand then either the Bible or the Book of Mormon because of the language, lack of parables and symbolism, and they can relate to it. 

Modern Revelation to meet the Needs of our Day

Explanatory Introduction (of the Doctrine and Covenants) paragraph 3:
   "The book of Doctrine and Covenants is one of the standard works of the Church in company with the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Pearl of Great Price. However, the Doctrine and Covenants is unique because it is not a translation of an ancient document, but is of modern origin and was given of God through his chosen prophets for the restoration of his holy work and the establishment of the kingdom of God on the earth in these days. In the revelations on hears the tender but firm voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, speaking anew in the dispensation of the fulness of times; and the work that is initiated herein is preparatory to his second coming, in fulfillment of and in concert with the words of all the holy prophets since the world began."

The Doctrine and Covenants is different from other scriptures because "it is not a translation of an ancient document." It is modern day revelation that has been given to us for OUR time to prepare us for Christ's second coming.

Explanatory Introduction paragraph 6: 
     "These sacred revelations were received in answer to prayer, in times of need, and came out of real-life situations involving real people. The prophet and his associates sought for divine guidance, and these revelations certify that they received it. In the revelations one sees the restoration and unfolding of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the ushering in of the dispensation of the fulness of times. The westward movement of the Church from New York to Pennsylvania, to Ohio, to Missouri, to Illinois, and finally to the Great Basin of western America, and the mighty struggles of the saints in attempting to to build Zion on the earth in modern times, are also shown forth in these revelations."

We receive these revelations "in answer to prayers" that were given when the Saints needed answers the most. These are not fictitious scenarios, but rather real people in our church's history.

Explanatory Introduction paragraph 8:
     "In the revelations the doctrines of the gospel are set forth with explanations about such fundamental matters as the nature of the Godhead, the origin of man, the reality of Satan, the purpose of mortality, the necessity for obedience, the need for repentance, the workings of the Holy Spirit, the ordinances and performances that pertain to salvation, the destiny of the earth, the future conditions of man after the resurrection and the judgment, the eternity of the marriage relationship, and the eternal nature of the family. Likewise the gradual unfolding of the administrative structure of the Church is shown in the calling of bishops, the First Presidency, the Council of the Twelve, and the Seventy, and the establishment of other presiding offices and quorums. Finally, the testimony that is given of Jesus Christ--his divinity, his majesty, his perfection, his love, and his redeeming power--makes this book of great value to the human family and of more worth than the riches of the whole earth."

There are so many fundamental Gospel doctrine that can be answered in the Doctrine and Covenants; we can easily understand what we are supposed to do and when.

Doctrine and Covenants 1:1-4
    "Hearken, O ye people of my church, saith the voice of him who dwells on high, and whose eyes are upon all men; yea, verily I say: Hearken ye people from afar; and ye that are upon the islands of the sea, listen together.
      For verily the voice of the Lord is unto all men, and there is none to escape; and there is no eye that shall not see, neither ear that shall not hear, neither heart that shall not be penetrated. 
      And the rebellious shall be pierced with much sorrow; for their iniquities shall be spoken upon the housetops, and their secret acts shall be revealed.
      And the voice of warning shall be unto all people, by the mouths of my disciples, whom I have chosen in these last days."

This warning is given to ALL church members not just the rebellious ones. He is telling us that if we do not do what we are supposed to for His church, He will find someone else that will.

Doctrine and Covenants 1: 23 and 30
     "That the fulness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers.
      And also those to whom these commandments were given, might have power to lay the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity and out of darkness, the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually--"

Our destiny is to spread the Gospel throughout the WORLD. Missionaries young and old, as well as members of the church need to be participating in missionary work. "Every member a missionary!"

Doctrine and Covenants 1:37-38
     "Search these commandments for they are true and faithful, and the prophecies and promises which are in them shall all be fulfilled.
      What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same."

We are commanded to search the commandments that have been given to us and to listen and apply what we have been taught by the leaders of our church. 

Doctrine and Covenants 112:30-32
     "For unto you, the Twelve, and those, the First Presidency, who are appointed with you to be your counselors and your leaders, is the power of this priesthood given, for the last days and for the last time, in the which is the dispensation of the fulness of times.
      Which power you hold, in connection with all those who have received a dispensation at any time fromt he beginning of the creation;
      For verily I say unto you, the keys of the dispensation, which ye have received, have come down from the fathers, and last of all, being sent down from heaven unto you."

This is the last dispensation--collectively this is it, we will not get a do over.

"Prophet's, priests and kings...have looked forward with joyful anticipation to the day in which we live; and fired with heavenly and joyful anticipations they have sung and written and prophesized of this our day; but they died without the sight; we are the favored people that God has made choice of to bring about the Latter-day glory; it is left for us to see, participate in and help roll forward the Latter-day glory, 'the dispensation of the fulness of times.'"
~President Joseph Smith Jr. 

"There has never been more expected of the faithful in such a short period of time as there is for us."
~President Ezra Taft Benson

"This is the season of a thousand opportunities. It is ours to grasp and move forward. What a wonderful time it is for each of us to do his or her small part in moving the work of the Lord on its magnificent destiny."
~President Gordon B. Hinckley

This truly is the fulness of times; we were saved by our Heavenly Father to help bring in this dispensation. Each one of us knew what He had planned for us and we agreed to do it, now we need to do our part. We must constantly be prepared for this battle against Satan; he so very much wants us to be not only miserable, but he also wants us to lose our bodies. He is so envious of the fact that we have bodies and will eventually be able to reunite with our Father in Heaven with both our bodies and spirit. Don't let him win; fulfill your callings to fullest extent, read your scriptures and pray daily, and keep the Holy Ghost with you at all times!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Gifts of the Spirit

Every single one of us has been given at least one spiritual gift from our Heavenly Father--for some it is more obvious than others what our gifts are. Some may have received more than one gift but don't fret if you feel you have one spiritual gift because you can ask Heavenly Father for more and you can develop more. In one of my Sunday School classes we were given a list entitled Gifts of the Spirit. I would like to share this with you now. The italicized words from the scriptures are gifts that have been given, you can develop, or ask Heavenly Father for.

Doctrine and Covenants 46:13-25
     "To some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world.
       To others it is given to believe on their words, that they also might have eternal life if they continue faithful.
       And again, to some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know the differences in administration, as it will be pleasing unto the same Lord, according as the Lord will, suiting his mercies according to the conditions of the children of men.
      And again, it is given by the Holy Ghost to some to know the diversities of operations, whether they be of God, that the manifestations of the SPirit may be given to every man to profit withal.
      And again, verily I say unto you, to some it is given, by the Spirit of God, the word of wisdom.
      To another is given the word of knowledge, that all may be taught to be wise, and to have knowledge.
      And again, to some it is given to have faith to be healed.
      And to others it is given to have faith to heal.
      And again, to some is given the working of miracles.
      And to others it is given to prophesy;
      And to others the discerning of spirits,
      And again, it is given to some to speak with tongues;
      And to another is given the interpretation of tongues."

Moroni 10:9-16
     "For behold, to on is given by the Spirit of God, that he may teach the word of wisdom;
      And to another, that he may teach the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
      And to another, exceedingly great faith; and to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
      And again, to another, that he may prophesy concerning all things;
      And again, to another, the beholding of angels and ministering spirits;
      And again, to another, all kinds of tongues;
      And again, to another, the interpretation of languages and of divers kinds of tongues."

1 Corinthians 12:5-10
     "And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
      And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
      But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every to profit withal.
      For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
      To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
      To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy; to another discerning the spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:"

Elder Marvin J. Ashton's less conspicuous gifts (October 1987 General Conference)
  1. Asking
  2. Listening
  3. Hearing and using the still, small voice
  4. Being able to weep
  5. Avoiding contention
  6. Being agreeable
  7. Avoiding vain repetition 
  8. Seeking that which is righteous
  9. Not passing judgment
  10. Looking to God for guidance
  11. Being a disciple
  12. Caring for others
  13. Being able to ponder
  14. Offering prayer
  15. Bearing a mighty testimony
  16. Receiving the Holy Ghost
Elder Boyd K. Packer (General Authority Training Meeting, 1983)
  1. Prophecy
  2. Seeing as seers see
  3. Revelation (prophets, seers, and revelators)
  4. Discernment
  5. Visions
  6. Dreams
  7. Visitations
  8. Promptings
  9. Ability to read thoughts (not body language)
  10. Administration (not to the sick, to lead Church) 
  11. Prepare or manage events that we recognize could not be merely coincidence (genealogical work)
  12. Feelings
  13. Sensing whether a decision is right or wrong 
  14. Healing 
  15. Warnings
  16. Raising the dead
  17. Tongues
  18. Interpretation of tongues
  19. Translation
  20. Teach by the spirit
  21. Seeing God
All of these are gifts from our Heavenly Father for His beloved children. Use these talents; do not hide them under a bushel but rather let them shine--develop them. If we bury our gifts/talents we will remain stagnant and unchanging. We were put on this Earth to have agency, to grow, and to change. Develop your talents and ask for more of them when you are ready to develop them. Think about the talents and gifts that you have now; what are they and what can you do to develop them? 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

30 December 2012

Sacrament Meeting:

When setting goals you cannot compare yourself to others; goals are for YOU to accomplish not for your next door neighbor or friend. 

"Every accountable child of God needs to set goals (Ezra Taft Benson)." Think about what your long term goals are and your short term goals. Write down your goals of what you would like to accomplish each day. Keep in mind the covenants that you have made as you go about your daily tasks. Make sure that when you set goals, that they are ATTAINABLE goals, work on them in accordance and pray for your Heavenly Father's help. Be specific but also do not set yourself up for failure with your goals. Set a time limit for accomplishment; make sure you give yourself a sufficient amount of time to accomplish your goals but not too much time. 

Setting short term goals help us to accomplish long term goals. What is it that you want to accomplish right now? In a year? In your life? Do not procrastinate accomplishing goals--you will not accomplish nearly as much if you put it off until the end. Don't trip over your feet trying to get there--take your time and ensure that you are accomplishing your goal correctly and with the right amount of time and effort. 

Do we make sure that we put enough time aside for spiritual things? Yes it is important to do the daily things such as eating, exercising, spending quality time with our family, but are we making sure that we are putting time aside for the Lord? It is ESSENTIAL to make time to read your scriptures, pray individually as well as with your family/spouse, attend the temple, etc. Righteous living will strengthen our testimony--knowing the gospel is the true church of God is the basis of our testimony, if you are not doing the little things our testimony itself will begin to crumble. 

The best indicator of if/when we have come unto Christ is the way that we treat other people despite how they treat us. By accomplishing spiritual goals we will have better relationships with others; the spirit of contention will truly dissipate when we make the effort to put the Lord in our lives. 

Doctrine and Covenants 100:5--
     "Therefore verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men;" If we are prepared (if you do your scripture study), when you are placed in situations where people are asking you about the gospel, the spirit will bring to mind scriptures that you have read in the past to answer their questions. If we act upon the promptings from the Spirit, we will begin to receive more promptings form the Lord. If we don't, they will cease to com to us.  

We have no idea of when trials will come our way; so instead of dreading them or forgetting that we do have trials we need to prepare now for them. That way when trials do come upon us, we will be ready and they will not overcome us. Helaman 5: 12 says-- " And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." Without a firm foundation, our trials will overcome us; without the Lords help we will fail our trials. 

Sunday School:

Moroni 7:4-9 
     "And now my brethren, I judge these things of you because of your peaceable walk with the children of men. 
      For remember the word of God which saith by their works ye shall know them; for if their works be good, then they are good also.
      For behold, God hath said a man being evil cannot do that which is good; for if he offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real intent it profiteth him nothing. 
      For hehold, it is not counted unto him for righteousness.
      For behold, if a man being evil giveth a gift, he doeth it grudgingly; wherefore it is counted unto him the same as if he had retained the gift; wherefore he is counted evil before God.
      And likewise also is it counted evil unto man, if he shall pray not with real intent of heart; yea, and it profiteth him nothing, for God receiveth none such."

It is not enough for us to do good works; but rather we should WANT to do good works. If we are grudgingly doing acts of service we are doing ourselves more harm then good. Verse 6 has a footnote that tells us to read Leviticus 19:5--
     "And if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the LORD, ye shall offer it at your own will.

Dallin H. Oaks gave the following in a CES Fireside on 1 March 1998:

6 Principles of Righteous Judgment
  1. A righteous judgment must, by definition, be intermediate. 
  2. A righteous judgment will be guided by the Spirit of the Lord, not by anger, revenge, jealousy, or self-interest. 
  3. To be righteous, an intermediate judgment must be within our stewardship. 
  4. We should, if possible, refrain from judging until we have adequate knowledge of the facts. 
  5. Whenever possible we will refrain from judging people and only judge situations. 
  6. If we apply unrighteous standards, our judgement will be unrighteous.
You have to make judgements every day--I'm not saying you are casting judgment upon other people but rather you are an intermediate judge. Moroni 7:13-14 states:
     "But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God. 
      Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil." 
When making judgment calls, ask yourself "Does______________ invite me to love and serve God? Is ___________ inspired of God?"

Moroni 7:15-19 continues with 
     "For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night. 
      For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.
      But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him. 
      And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgement which ye judge ye shall also be judged. 
      Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not,  ye certainly will be a child of Christ. 

When you are beginning to feel down--as if the world is weighing you down, ask the Lord for help. He wants you to succeed and triumph against them. Moroni 7: 26 & 33 states:
    "And after that he came men also were saved by faith in his name; and by faith, they become the sons of God. And as surely as Christ liveth he spake these words unto our fathers, saying: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you...
     And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me."

There are many examples of how the Lord has provided help to those that have had faith in Him not only in the Book of Mormon but also in the Bible--we hear of the children of Israel that were told if they would look at the brass serpent that was fashioned by Moses they would be healed of their bites. The children Israel were starving and thirsty; Christ provided ways for Moses and the children of Israel to have food and water throughout their trip--but they had to have faith.