Sacrament Meeting
If we exercise even a particle of faith, our testimony will grow. The Lord will sometimes push your faith to the limit before fulfilling promised blessings. We must continue to nourish our faith; read your scriptures, pray, follow the prompting of the Holy Ghost.
Look for the good in others, stop wasting time by tearing other people down. Remember what is truly important in life; is being a successful career woman (not that there is anything wrong with being a successful career woman) important or is being there for your kids/raising the next generation important. Do not allow things or events dictate your happiness. If you are going to school, love it! Do not bash on it saying that you can't wait to graduate, but rather enjoy every experience that you have while going. If you are single, don't be down and melancholy about it, but rather enjoy all the things that you can do. "Don't count the days, make the days count." If you go through life counting the days, you will never stop to truly enjoy them, whereas if you were to wake up each day and try to do something meaningful or worthwhile, your days will be completely different. External circumstances should not dictate our happiness, we dictate our happiness (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)
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